
test news
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dsfhs dfhasdfsdfsd sdfdsadff dsdsfdsf dsdfsaASEWRGTSDRSAS

News 1
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam euismod consectetur risus, vitae pretium lorem mollis et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc convallis enim ac viverra cursus. Nam mi orci, vehicula ac urna... Read more...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam euismod consectetur risus, vitae pretium lorem mollis et. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc convallis enim ac viverra cursus. Nam mi orci, vehicula ac urna in, maximus vulputate velit.
Test news 2
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feu... Read more...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feugiat dolor, sit amet consectetur nulla. In finibus tortor et placerat placerat. Praesent suscipit lorem vitae lacus commodo dictum. Fusce at vestibulum lorem. Praesent pretium semper aliquam.
Mauris non magna nec est pulvinar placerat. Fusce sit amet vehicula tellus. Vestibulum ac mauris eu purus faucibus dignissim vel sit amet dolor. Morbi eu condimentum nisl. Maecenas volutpat, augue a vestibulum pretium, felis massa condimentum felis, sed ultricies magna metus sit amet dui. Mauris in metus porttitor, euismod urna ac, lobortis mi. Nullam faucibus semper tellus, ac tincidunt nisi dictum eget. Aliquam ac dolor sit amet metus posuere pulvinar id ornare magna. Suspendisse luctus, massa sed efficitur semper, tellus sapien porttitor eros, ac pulvinar massa arcu sit amet tortor. In eget mattis mauris. Quisque fermentum dolor sit amet nisl pretium, ut mattis nisl porttitor. Mauris vitae nibh at lectus lobortis suscipit. Morbi vel sem justo. Vestibulum vel neque rhoncus, luctus tortor nec, egestas tellus.
Morbi tempor cursus lectus, eget finibus magna mattis non. Nunc ut mauris in est tincidunt mattis eu sed sapien. Cras ac tristique risus. Nulla est erat, porttitor quis ante vitae, porttitor mattis metus. Sed consectetur facilisis congue. Aenean faucibus a eros nec auctor. Curabitur porta tristique tellus, at rutrum nisl molestie a. Morbi et rutrum sem. Integer nec interdum augue. Vivamus in risus massa. Aliquam at magna at velit interdum mattis eu nec est. Suspendisse ultrices egestas urna, ac euismod orci euismod posuere. Vivamus sit amet euismod mauris. Vivamus vel orci nulla. Vestibulum sagittis dictum dui, id vehicula leo mattis vel. Nulla eros dui, ultricies eleifend suscipit vitae, molestie at nibh.

Test news 3
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feu... Read more...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feugiat dolor, sit amet consectetur nulla. In finibus tortor et placerat placerat. Praesent suscipit lorem vitae lacus commodo dictum. Fusce at vestibulum lorem. Praesent pretium semper aliquam.
Mauris non magna nec est pulvinar placerat. Fusce sit amet vehicula tellus. Vestibulum ac mauris eu purus faucibus dignissim vel sit amet dolor. Morbi eu condimentum nisl. Maecenas volutpat, augue a vestibulum pretium, felis massa condimentum felis, sed ultricies magna metus sit amet dui. Mauris in metus porttitor, euismod urna ac, lobortis mi. Nullam faucibus semper tellus, ac tincidunt nisi dictum eget. Aliquam ac dolor sit amet metus posuere pulvinar id ornare magna. Suspendisse luctus, massa sed efficitur semper, tellus sapien porttitor eros, ac pulvinar massa arcu sit amet tortor. In eget mattis mauris. Quisque fermentum dolor sit amet nisl pretium, ut mattis nisl porttitor. Mauris vitae nibh at lectus lobortis suscipit. Morbi vel sem justo. Vestibulum vel neque rhoncus, luctus tortor nec, egestas tellus.
Morbi tempor cursus lectus, eget finibus magna mattis non. Nunc ut mauris in est tincidunt mattis eu sed sapien. Cras ac tristique risus. Nulla est erat, porttitor quis ante vitae, porttitor mattis metus. Sed consectetur facilisis congue. Aenean faucibus a eros nec auctor. Curabitur porta tristique tellus, at rutrum nisl molestie a. Morbi et rutrum sem. Integer nec interdum augue. Vivamus in risus massa. Aliquam at magna at velit interdum mattis eu nec est. Suspendisse ultrices egestas urna, ac euismod orci euismod posuere. Vivamus sit amet euismod mauris. Vivamus vel orci nulla. Vestibulum sagittis dictum dui, id vehicula leo mattis vel. Nulla eros dui, ultricies eleifend suscipit vitae, molestie at nibh.

Test news 4
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feu... Read more...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feugiat dolor, sit amet consectetur nulla. In finibus tortor et placerat placerat. Praesent suscipit lorem vitae lacus commodo dictum. Fusce at vestibulum lorem. Praesent pretium semper aliquam.
Mauris non magna nec est pulvinar placerat. Fusce sit amet vehicula tellus. Vestibulum ac mauris eu purus faucibus dignissim vel sit amet dolor. Morbi eu condimentum nisl. Maecenas volutpat, augue a vestibulum pretium, felis massa condimentum felis, sed ultricies magna metus sit amet dui. Mauris in metus porttitor, euismod urna ac, lobortis mi. Nullam faucibus semper tellus, ac tincidunt nisi dictum eget. Aliquam ac dolor sit amet metus posuere pulvinar id ornare magna. Suspendisse luctus, massa sed efficitur semper, tellus sapien porttitor eros, ac pulvinar massa arcu sit amet tortor. In eget mattis mauris. Quisque fermentum dolor sit amet nisl pretium, ut mattis nisl porttitor. Mauris vitae nibh at lectus lobortis suscipit. Morbi vel sem justo. Vestibulum vel neque rhoncus, luctus tortor nec, egestas tellus.
Morbi tempor cursus lectus, eget finibus magna mattis non. Nunc ut mauris in est tincidunt mattis eu sed sapien. Cras ac tristique risus. Nulla est erat, porttitor quis ante vitae, porttitor mattis metus. Sed consectetur facilisis congue. Aenean faucibus a eros nec auctor. Curabitur porta tristique tellus, at rutrum nisl molestie a. Morbi et rutrum sem. Integer nec interdum augue. Vivamus in risus massa. Aliquam at magna at velit interdum mattis eu nec est. Suspendisse ultrices egestas urna, ac euismod orci euismod posuere. Vivamus sit amet euismod mauris. Vivamus vel orci nulla. Vestibulum sagittis dictum dui, id vehicula leo mattis vel. Nulla eros dui, ultricies eleifend suscipit vitae, molestie at nibh.

Test news 5
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feu... Read more...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feugiat dolor, sit amet consectetur nulla. In finibus tortor et placerat placerat. Praesent suscipit lorem vitae lacus commodo dictum. Fusce at vestibulum lorem. Praesent pretium semper aliquam.
Mauris non magna nec est pulvinar placerat. Fusce sit amet vehicula tellus. Vestibulum ac mauris eu purus faucibus dignissim vel sit amet dolor. Morbi eu condimentum nisl. Maecenas volutpat, augue a vestibulum pretium, felis massa condimentum felis, sed ultricies magna metus sit amet dui. Mauris in metus porttitor, euismod urna ac, lobortis mi. Nullam faucibus semper tellus, ac tincidunt nisi dictum eget. Aliquam ac dolor sit amet metus posuere pulvinar id ornare magna. Suspendisse luctus, massa sed efficitur semper, tellus sapien porttitor eros, ac pulvinar massa arcu sit amet tortor. In eget mattis mauris. Quisque fermentum dolor sit amet nisl pretium, ut mattis nisl porttitor. Mauris vitae nibh at lectus lobortis suscipit. Morbi vel sem justo. Vestibulum vel neque rhoncus, luctus tortor nec, egestas tellus.
Morbi tempor cursus lectus, eget finibus magna mattis non. Nunc ut mauris in est tincidunt mattis eu sed sapien. Cras ac tristique risus. Nulla est erat, porttitor quis ante vitae, porttitor mattis metus. Sed consectetur facilisis congue. Aenean faucibus a eros nec auctor. Curabitur porta tristique tellus, at rutrum nisl molestie a. Morbi et rutrum sem. Integer nec interdum augue. Vivamus in risus massa. Aliquam at magna at velit interdum mattis eu nec est. Suspendisse ultrices egestas urna, ac euismod orci euismod posuere. Vivamus sit amet euismod mauris. Vivamus vel orci nulla. Vestibulum sagittis dictum dui, id vehicula leo mattis vel. Nulla eros dui, ultricies eleifend suscipit vitae, molestie at nibh.

Test news 6
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feu... Read more...
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean a pretium est. Nullam vitae commodo nibh, ac aliquet diam. Nulla facilisi. Sed lacinia massa quam, non aliquam orci vehicula eu. Vestibulum auctor ornare enim nec placerat. Nam ac feugiat dolor, sit amet consectetur nulla. In finibus tortor et placerat placerat. Praesent suscipit lorem vitae lacus commodo dictum. Fusce at vestibulum lorem. Praesent pretium semper aliquam.
Mauris non magna nec est pulvinar placerat. Fusce sit amet vehicula tellus. Vestibulum ac mauris eu purus faucibus dignissim vel sit amet dolor. Morbi eu condimentum nisl. Maecenas volutpat, augue a vestibulum pretium, felis massa condimentum felis, sed ultricies magna metus sit amet dui. Mauris in metus porttitor, euismod urna ac, lobortis mi. Nullam faucibus semper tellus, ac tincidunt nisi dictum eget. Aliquam ac dolor sit amet metus posuere pulvinar id ornare magna. Suspendisse luctus, massa sed efficitur semper, tellus sapien porttitor eros, ac pulvinar massa arcu sit amet tortor. In eget mattis mauris. Quisque fermentum dolor sit amet nisl pretium, ut mattis nisl porttitor. Mauris vitae nibh at lectus lobortis suscipit. Morbi vel sem justo. Vestibulum vel neque rhoncus, luctus tortor nec, egestas tellus.
Morbi tempor cursus lectus, eget finibus magna mattis non. Nunc ut mauris in est tincidunt mattis eu sed sapien. Cras ac tristique risus. Nulla est erat, porttitor quis ante vitae, porttitor mattis metus. Sed consectetur facilisis congue. Aenean faucibus a eros nec auctor. Curabitur porta tristique tellus, at rutrum nisl molestie a. Morbi et rutrum sem. Integer nec interdum augue. Vivamus in risus massa. Aliquam at magna at velit interdum mattis eu nec est. Suspendisse ultrices egestas urna, ac euismod orci euismod posuere. Vivamus sit amet euismod mauris. Vivamus vel orci nulla. Vestibulum sagittis dictum dui, id vehicula leo mattis vel. Nulla eros dui, ultricies eleifend suscipit vitae, molestie at nibh.
Enrol now for term 2 2016 program
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 2 program is starting the weekend of 7 May (depending on the centre-see centre page for details) at all our centres. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on Saturday and Sunday mornings and a variety of afternoons at... Read more...
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 2 program is starting the weekend of 7 May (depending on the centre-see centre page for details) at all our centres. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on Saturday and Sunday mornings and a variety of afternoons at different centres for an 8 week period during the school term
Bring a Friend for Free Day
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this weekend! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this weekend! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877

Bring a Friend for Free Day
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this weekend! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this weekend! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877

Bring a Friend for Free Day
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this weekend! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this weekend! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877

Bring a Friend for Free Day
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this week! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877
Grasshopper Soccer is holding a Bring a Friend for Free day this week! Feel free to bring down one of your friends to join in on the fun! For more information call 0451172877

Join the FUN in TERM 1, 2020!
ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2...
ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2020!
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 3-12yo !
Grasshopper Soccer will be having Term 1, 2020 Try-Out sessions for all new enrolments across all our centres on week 1 and if you are unable to attend this session, ring us on 1300 353 225 and book in for a Try-Out session at any time!
The Term 1 2020 programs which run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Friday 31st January at a number of Victorian locations on various days and times, including Ringwood on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Donvale on Friday afternoon, Wantirna South and Burwood East on a Saturday morning, Endeavour Hills on a Saturday afternoon, as well as Lower Templestowe on a Sunday morning.
To ENROL in our Term programs, please go to the TIMETABLE menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
It is gpoing to be another BIG year, so please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.

ENROL NOW for TERM 3, 2016!
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 2-12yo !
The Term 3 2016 programs run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Saturday 23rd July at a number of Victorian locations including Ringwood on Thursday, Donvale on Friday, Wantirna South, Burwood East and Rowville on a Saturday and Lower Templestowe and Scoresby on Sunday.
To ENROL in our Term programs or to Register for a COME and TRY session at any time, please go to the Info/Enrol menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
Please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.
Term 1 Programs,2020
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 1 program is starting on Tuesday the 4th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February at our St Anthony's Primary Picton and Elderslie Primary venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on a Tuesday,... Read more...
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 1 program is starting on Tuesday the 4th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February at our St Anthony's Primary Picton and Elderslie Primary venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on a Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday for an 8 week period during the Term 1 school term. Grasshopper Soccer is an active kids provider, please phone 0439843503 to book your child in with a voucher
Please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly!
Grasshopper Soccer has new owners!
It is with great excitement that we are announcing that we are the new owners of Grasshopper Soccer in Busselton, Vasse and Dunsborough! We are taking over for Term 3, 2016. The previous owner, Simon has done a great job so far with introducin... Read more...
It is with great excitement that we are announcing that we are the new owners of Grasshopper Soccer in Busselton, Vasse and Dunsborough! We are taking over for Term 3, 2016. The previous owner, Simon has done a great job so far with introducing our program to the South West and will continue to do so by focussing his efforts going forward, in the Maragret River and Augusta region.
So who are the new owners? We are Tee and Sharon, we have over 15 years experience as personal trainers and fitness professionals. Our passion is getting people moving; Grasshopper Soccer gets kids doing just that from just 2 years old.
We are now "Grasshopper Soccer Down South" and we look forward to delivering Australia's Number 1 non-competitive soccer program, to the kids "Down South" with all the energy and fun in the world! Thanks for joining us!
Grasshopper Soccer at Vasse Primary!
Read all about it! Grasshopper Soccer will be at Vasse Primary School for Term 3, 2016. We can all thank the Principal there, "Mr K" for his keen interest in the kids and our program. We look forward to offering our after-school-care program... Read more...
Read all about it! Grasshopper Soccer will be at Vasse Primary School for Term 3, 2016. We can all thank the Principal there, "Mr K" for his keen interest in the kids and our program. We look forward to offering our after-school-care program Wednesday afternoons from July 27. See you all there!
New Special Needs Classes!!!
Grasshopper Soccer is starting a new Special Needs Class on Sunday mornings!!! This new program will be held at Applecross High school. The new Special Needs program is designed to give students with special needs the opportunity to play soccer in... Read more...
Grasshopper Soccer is starting a new Special Needs Class on Sunday mornings!!! This new program will be held at Applecross High school. The new Special Needs program is designed to give students with special needs the opportunity to play soccer in an environment where they can feel comfortable, and have fun meeting new people. This programs focus' on fundamental movement skills allowing students to improve basic motor control movements. All degrees of special needs are welcome! Activities will be modified to suit all levels of special needs*
CollapseNew term starting soon!
Our term 4 program at Castle Hill High School will be starting on 27th of October 2018.
Our term 4 program at Castle Hill High School will be starting on 27th of October 2018.
New term starting soon!
Our term 4 program at Rouse Hill High School will be starting on Saturday the 27Read more...
Our term 4 program at Rouse Hill High School will be starting on Saturday the 27th of Oct 2018.
CollapseNew term starting soon!
This is our venue for Kellyville. We have moved to Wrights Road Reserve.
Our term 2 program at Wrights Road Reserve will be starting on Sunday the Read more...
This is our venue for Kellyville. We have moved to Wrights Road Reserve.
Our term 2 program at Wrights Road Reserve will be starting on Sunday the 13th of May 2018.
CollapseNew term starting soon!
Our term 4 program at Parramatta Park will be starting on Sunday the 28Read more...
Our term 4 program at Parramatta Park will be starting on Sunday the 28th of Oct 2018.
CollapseNew term starting soon!
Our term 2 program at Masonic Fields will be starting on Tuesday the 8th of May 2018
Our term 2 program at Masonic Fields will be starting on Tuesday the 8th of May 2018
New term starting soon!
Our term 4 program at Dural Public School will be starting on Wednesday the 24th of Oct ... Read more...
Our term 4 program at Dural Public School will be starting on Wednesday the 24th of Oct 2018.
CollapseNew term starting soon!
This is our newest venue!
Our term 2 program at Schofields Public School will be starting on Thursday the 4th of May 2017.
This is our newest venue!
Our term 2 program at Schofields Public School will be starting on Thursday the 4th of May 2017.
Rothwell has new owner!!!
Grasshopper Soccer Rothwell is excited to announce we have new ownership! Expect bigger and better things from this location! We cant wait to see you all down there next term. For more information contact 0451193942.
Grasshopper Soccer Rothwell is excited to announce we have new ownership! Expect bigger and better things from this location! We cant wait to see you all down there next term. For more information contact 0451193942.

Term 4 Bring a Friend Day
15 Oct is bring a friend for free day
15 Oct is bring a friend for free day

ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2020!
ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2020!
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 3-12yo !
Grasshopper Soccer will be having Term 1, 2020 Try-Out sessions for all new enrolments across all our centres on week 1 and if you are unable to attend this session, ring us on 1300 353 225 and book in for a Try-Out session at any time!
The Term 1 2020 programs which run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Friday 31st January at a number of Victorian locations on various days and times, including Ringwood on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Donvale on Friday afternoon, Wantirna South and Burwood East on a Saturday morning, Endeavour Hills on a Saturday afternoon, as well as Lower Templestowe on a Sunday morning.
To ENROL in our Term programs, please go to the TIMETABLE menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
It is going to be another BIG year, so please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.

ENROL NOW for TERM 1 2020
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 3-12yo !
Grasshopper Soccer will be having Term 1 2020 Try-Out sessions for all new enrolments across all our centres on week 1 and if you are unable to attend this session, ring us on 1300 353 225 and book in for a Try-Out session at any time!
The Term 1 2020 programs which run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Friday 31st January at a number of Victorian locations on various days and times, including Ringwood on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Donvale on Friday afternoon, Wantirna South and Burwood East on a Saturday morning, Endeavour Hills on a Saturday afternoon, as well as Lower Templestowe on a Sunday morning.
To ENROL in our Term programs, please go to the TIMETABLE menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
It is going to be another BIG year so please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.

ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2020!
ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2020!
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 3-12yo !
Grasshopper Soccer will be having Term 1, 2020 Try-Out sessions for all new enrolments across all our centres on week 1 and if you are unable to attend this session, ring us on 1300 353 225 and book in for a Try-Out session at any time!
The Term 1 2020 programs which run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Friday 31st January at a number of Victorian locations on various days and times, including Ringwood on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Donvale on Friday afternoon, Wantirna South and Burwood East on a Saturday morning, Endeavour Hills on a Saturday afternoon, as well as Lower Templestowe on a Sunday morning.
To ENROL in our Term programs, please go to the TIMETABLE menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
It is going to be another BIG year, so please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.

Term 4 2019
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 4 program is starting on Tuesday the 22nd, Friday the 25th, Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of October at our St Anthony's Primary Picton, Elderslie Primary, Prestons Public School and Bridge Street Sports Centre ... Read more...
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 4 program is starting on Tuesday the 22nd, Friday the 25th, Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of October at our St Anthony's Primary Picton, Elderslie Primary, Prestons Public School and Bridge Street Sports Centre venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for an 8 week period during the Term 4 school term. Grasshopper Soccer is an active kids provider, please phone 0439843503 to book your child in with a voucher
Please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly!
CollapseTerm 4 2019
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 4 program is starting on Tuesday the 22nd, Friday the 25th, Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of October at our St Anthony's Primary Picton, Elderslie Primary, Prestons Public School and Bridge Street Sports Centre ... Read more...
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 4 program is starting on Tuesday the 22nd, Friday the 25th, Saturday the 26th and Sunday the 27th of October at our St Anthony's Primary Picton, Elderslie Primary, Prestons Public School and Bridge Street Sports Centre venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on a Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday for an 8 week period during the Term 4 school term. Grasshopper Soccer is an active kids provider, please phone 0439843503 to book your child in with a voucher
Please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly!
Interested in becoming a franchisee? This zone is now available for purchase, for more information phone 0439843503 or email
ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2020!
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 3-12yo !
Grasshopper Soccer will be having Term 1, 2020 Try-Out sessions for all new enrolments across all our centres on week 1 and if you are unable to attend this session, ring us on 1300 353 225 and book in for a Try-Out session at any time!
The Term 1 2020 programs which run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Friday 31st January at a number of Victorian locations on various days and times, including Ringwood on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Donvale on Friday afternoon, Wantirna South and Burwood East on a Saturday morning, Endeavour Hills on a Saturday afternoon, as well as Lower Templestowe on a Sunday morning.
To ENROL in our Term programs, please go to the TIMETABLE menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
It is going to be another BIG year, so please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.

ENROL NOW for TERM 4, 2019!
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 3-12yo !
Grasshopper Soccer will be having Term 1, 2020 Try-Out sessions for all new enrolments across all our centres on week 1 and if you are unable to attend this session, ring us on 1300 353 225 and book in for a Try-Out session at any time!
The Term 1 2020 programs which run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Friday 31st January at a number of Victorian locations on various days and times, including Ringwood on a Tuesday and Thursday afternoon, Donvale on Friday afternoon, Wantirna South and Burwood East on a Saturday morning, Endeavour Hills on a Saturday afternoon, as well as Lower Templestowe on a Sunday morning.
To ENROL in our Term programs, please go to the TIMETABLE menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
It is going to be another BIG year, so please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.
Grasshopper Soccer in Geelong
Grasshopper Soccer has finally come to Geelong. Please check the timetable for start dates.
Grasshopper Soccer has finally come to Geelong. Please check the timetable for start dates.

Grasshopper Soccer
Coming to the Geelong & Surf coast regions.
Coming to the Geelong & Surf coast regions.

Now Hiring
We want happy, enthusiastic, outgoing and reliable people to become coaches in Grasshopper Soccer’s expanding franchise in the Geelong and surf coast reg... Read more...
We want happy, enthusiastic, outgoing and reliable people to become coaches in Grasshopper Soccer’s expanding franchise in the Geelong and surf coast region for children aged 2-12. You must be able to communicate and interact with children, have a passion for outdoors and sport, be fit and active as you will be running around with children.
Must be able to work on Saturdays and/or Sunday mornings as well as/ or after school and during school holidays.
* No experience required
* Full training provided
* Excellent pay between $18 and $30 p/hr
For more detail or expression of interest contact Dominic via email at

Now Hiring
We want happy, enthusiastic, outgoing and reliable people to become coaches in Grasshopper Soccer’s expanding franchise in the Geelong and... Read more...
We want happy, enthusiastic, outgoing and reliable people to become coaches in Grasshopper Soccer’s expanding franchise in the Geelong and surf coast region for children aged 2-12. You must be able to communicate and interact with children, have a passion for outdoors and sport, be fit and active as you will be running around with children.
Must be able to work on Saturdays and/or Sunday mornings as well as/ or after school and during school holidays.
* No experience required
* Full training provided
* Excellent pay between $18 and $30 p/hr
For more detail or expression of interest contact Dominic via email at

ENROL NOW for TERM 1, 2018!
Get your child playing and learning the WORLD GAME of FOOTBALL, ALL Girls and Boys Welcome!
GRASSHOPPER SOCCER has been teaching non-competitive boys and girls soccer for over 20 years, Australia wide and has specifically designed programs for the various age groups and abilities, ranging from 2-12yo !
Grasshopper Soccer will be having Term 1 Try-Out sessions for all new enrolments across all our centres on week 1 and if you are unable to attend this session, ring us on 1300 353 225 and book in for a Try-Out session at any time!
The Term 1 2018 programs which run for an 8 week duration and are starting from Wednesday 7th February at a number of Victorian locations on various days and times, including Balwyn North on a Wednesday, Ringwood on Thursday, Donvale on Friday, Wantirna South and Burwood East on a Saturday morning, Endeavour Hills on a Saturday afternoon, as well as Lower Templestowe on a Sunday morning.
To ENROL in our Term programs, please go to the TIMETABLE menu page of your preferred venue!
Have a look at our great range and pricing of the Grasshopper Soccer Merchandise and in particular the Value Packs! Each Grasshopper can look the part and be part of the team!
Please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly! Be a part of the Grasshopper Soccer team and purchase a Grasshopper Soccer uniform when you enrol.
Coming Soon
Hi All,
My Names Tom I am one of the Head Coaches from Hoppers Crossing. Programs will be commencing soon. Feel free to contact me f... Read more...
Hi All,
My Names Tom I am one of the Head Coaches from Hoppers Crossing. Programs will be commencing soon. Feel free to contact me for more details.
0411 291 714
Also you can check out our facebook page
CollapseCOMING SOON!!!!
Programs will be starting soon. Please call 0407480461 or email
Programs will be starting soon. Please call 0407480461 or email

Term 4 Starting Soon
Term 4 program at Muirfield High School in North Rocks starting soon on the 21st of October 2017.
Term 4 program at Muirfield High School in North Rocks starting soon on the 21st of October 2017.

Week 1 Muirfield High School
We had a great day for the start of Term 4 at Muirfield High School. Lots of smiling faces on all the little Grasshoppers.
We had a great day for the start of Term 4 at Muirfield High School. Lots of smiling faces on all the little Grasshoppers.

Starting the 7th of November, our first after school program will commence at 3.15pm and run for an hour. Held on the oval at Hornsby South Public School. Please hurry as only 20 spots are available!!!
Starting the 7th of November, our first after school program will commence at 3.15pm and run for an hour. Held on the oval at Hornsby South Public School. Please hurry as only 20 spots are available!!!

Time to celebrate our Term 4 kids! Carnival Fun Day 2017.
Time to celebrate our Term 4 kids! Carnival Fun Day 2017.
New term starting soon!
Glenorie is our newest venue. The new term starts on Monday the 7th of May!
Glenorie is our newest venue. The new term starts on Monday the 7th of May!
Grasshopper Soccer Holroyd is now an approved Active Kids Provider!
We are pleased to announce that we are now an approved Active Kids Provider.
Active Kids vouchers can be redeemed* to enrol new or returning students.
We are pleased to announce that we are now an approved Active Kids Provider.
Active Kids vouchers can be redeemed* to enrol new or returning students.
Apply for an Active Kids voucher
Click here to read Active Kids program recipient guidelines.
*subject to terms and conditions as set by Active Kids program
Grasshopper Soccer Western Sydney would like to acknowledge the Arab Bank Australia for their sponsorship and support in 2018. Direc... Read more...
Grasshopper Soccer Western Sydney would like to acknowledge the Arab Bank Australia for their sponsorship and support in 2018. Director Phillip Fourlas stated "We are absolutely delighted to have such a prestigious global company on board as our new sponsor".
Arab Bank Australia, is proud to be supporting such a wonderful community initiative. The Bank's core philosophy, is all about 'Supporting the communities we serve' by building partnerships with community groups and charitable organisations in areas of medical research, health and wellbeing, sports, the arts, education and a number of other local community initiatives.
Arab Bank Australia offers a number of personal and business banking products to suit your specific banking needs, products include Home Loans, Business Loans, Online Savings Accounts, Term Deposits and many more.
To learn more about Arab Bank Australia, visit or freecall 1800 272 222 to talk to a Relationship Manager or Customer Service Representative now!

We would like to acknowledge and thank the Four J's Group for their sponsorship ... Read more...
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Four J's Group for their sponsorship and support.
Four J's Group provide quality and cost effective solutions to the services industry. Running offices, child care centres, hospitals, shopping centres, and warehouses requires management of many different services. Four J's Integrated Facility Management allows their clients to combine these services into one easy to manage contract.
Please show your support for the companies that support us.
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Four J's Group for their sponsorship ... Read more...
We would like to acknowledge and thank the Four J's Group for their sponsorship and support.
Four J's Group provide quality and cost effective solutions to the services industry. Running offices, child care centres, hospitals, shopping centres, and warehouses requires management of many different services. Four J's Integrated Facility Management allows their clients to combine these services into one easy to manage contract.
Please show your support for the companies that support us.
Grasshopper Soccer Western Sydney would like to acknowledge the Arab Bank Australia for their sponsorship and support in 2018. Direc... Read more...
Grasshopper Soccer Western Sydney would like to acknowledge the Arab Bank Australia for their sponsorship and support in 2018. Director Phillip Fourlas stated "We are absolutely delighted to have such a prestigious global company on board as our new sponsor".
Arab Bank Australia, is proud to be supporting such a wonderful community initiative. The Bank's core philosophy, is all about 'Supporting the communities we serve' by building partnerships with community groups and charitable organisations in areas of medical research, health and wellbeing, sports, the arts, education and a number of other local community initiatives.
Arab Bank Australia offers a number of personal and business banking products to suit your specific banking needs, products include Home Loans, Business Loans, Online Savings Accounts, Term Deposits and many more.
To learn more about Arab Bank Australia, visit or freecall 1800 272 222 to talk to a Relationship Manager or Customer Service Representative now!
TERM 3 2018 - 30th of September 2018
Include the Carnival Fun Day in your term 3 enrolment - Every child receives a Grasshopper Soccer medal.
TERM 3 2018 - 30th of September 2018
Include the Carnival Fun Day in your term 3 enrolment - Every child receives a Grasshopper Soccer medal.
Grasshopper Soccer Western Sydney has moved its Sunday location to St Johns Park High School in Greenfield Park. An upgraded facility to better serve our students and parents. We would like to thank King Park Public School for their support ... Read more...
Grasshopper Soccer Western Sydney has moved its Sunday location to St Johns Park High School in Greenfield Park. An upgraded facility to better serve our students and parents. We would like to thank King Park Public School for their support over the last year and a half.
CollapseTerm 1 Programs,2020
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 1 program is starting on Tuesday the 4th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February at our St Anthony's Primary Picton and Elderslie Primary venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on a Tuesday,... Read more...
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 1 program is starting on Tuesday the 4th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February at our St Anthony's Primary Picton and Elderslie Primary venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on a Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday for an 8 week period during the Term 1 school term. Grasshopper Soccer is an active kids provider, please phone 0439843503 to book your child in with a voucher
Please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly!
CollapseYearly Pass
Our Elderslie/Picton 2019 yearly pass gives you access to classes on any available day at either Elderslie Public school, St Anthonys Primary Picton or Bridge St Sports Centre Picton all year round, you will also receive 10% off any merchandise pu... Read more...
Our Elderslie/Picton 2019 yearly pass gives you access to classes on any available day at either Elderslie Public school, St Anthonys Primary Picton or Bridge St Sports Centre Picton all year round, you will also receive 10% off any merchandise purchase and a massive 25% off birthday parties. Term 1 will kick off from Tuesday February 5th. Grasshopper Soccer is an active kids provider, if you would like to use the voucher towards the yearly pass simply phone 0439843503 to book in a pass
CollapseTerm 1 Starting Soon!!!
Term 1 programs are starting in February 2019! Enroll now to book your spot!
Term 1 programs are starting in February 2019! Enroll now to book your spot!
Come along and try GRASSHOPPER SOCCER
To register for this FR...
Come along and try GRASSHOPPER SOCCER
To register for this FREE event, please call 1300 767 004
CollapseWoodvale Enrollments are now OPEN
Grasshopper Soccer is excited about opening another location in Perth Northern Suburbs. WOODVALE Primary School is coming in 2019 Term 2
Grasshopper Soccer is excited about opening another location in Perth Northern Suburbs. WOODVALE Primary School is coming in 2019 Term 2
Padbury is now OPEN
Grasshopper Soccer is excited about opening new location in Perth Northern Suburbs.
Grasshopper Soccer is excited about opening new location in Perth Northern Suburbs.
Padbury Primary School is coming in 2019 Term 2.

Grasshopper Soccer is no longer running programs at this Venue.
Grasshopper Soccer is no longer running programs at this Venue.

From the 1st of July 2019, a second Active Kids Voucher will be available to all NSW school students. You can Read more...
From the 1st of July 2019, a second Active Kids Voucher will be available to all NSW school students. You can Click here for more information or to apply online at the Services NSW website
Term 1 Programs,2020
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 1 program is starting on Tuesday the 4th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February at our St Anthony's Primary Picton,Bridge St Picton and Elderslie Primary venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are h... Read more...
The Grasshopper Soccer Term 1 program is starting on Tuesday the 4th, Saturday the 8th and Sunday the 9th of February at our St Anthony's Primary Picton,Bridge St Picton and Elderslie Primary venues. Classes for children aged 2-12 are held on a Tuesday, Saturday and Sunday for an 8 week period during the Term 1 school term. Grasshopper Soccer is an active kids provider, please phone 0439843503 to book your child in with a voucher
Please ensure you enrol early as classes fill quickly!
Test news 1
This is a test news for testing
This is a test news for testing
Find your nearest venue
We are throughout the United Kingdom in a number of locations. To find out your nearest venue, further information or to enrol please select your region, or enter your location below.
Enter your postcode to find your closest Grasshopper Soccer organisation